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Maugle is an online business directory that provides both Mauritians and tourists information on any company registered in Mauritius. Our website effectively and efficiently displays business contact details, geographical mapping of locations and at the same time showcasing promotions to customers via brochures, coupons and discount vouchers.
This cutting edge platform will revolutionize the way you search for accommodation, food, leisure and services for FREE. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for latest updates and bargains!
As a business, Maugle will provide you with an easy and affordable way to get online whether you are big or small. Maugle will give you a unique url/link where you can provide your loyal customers information on what is going on at your business.
Maugle will allow you to advertise promotions, contests and even allow you to post brochures about your company. Mixed with the beautiful aesthetics of the website and a friendly user interface, anyone on the internet will able to find you!